Some drawings I did for REI's winterfest.
Jesus totally hitting the Iron Cross off a jump.
Mustn't for get Jews this holiday season: Rabbi shreddin'
Sorry Kwanzaa, you get nothing from me.
This is an example of one of the pages in my illustration gallery for my website. Soon you'll be telling your friends: "I went to www.amfjoyce.com and all I got was this giant boner!" I've been procrastinating on a few things. I have some storyboard mock ups to do for this one dude, told him they'd be done either tonight or tomorrow and it looks like they'll be done tomorrow. I have another illustraion job that's due whenever. I hate the jobs that dont have deadlines, I made up my own deadline: friday afternoon. Just to get it out of the way. I hope to have another freelance job coming my way as I need to pay for my plane ticket to hawaii. Fuck yea out of state weddings. a couple of the 'sketch book' pages that will be on the site:
basic jist of some of the stuff on there. Sone of it you've all seen before. I'm seeing what animation I can salvage to post as well. More self portraits to come shortly. For some reason I cant seem to get on my game and all of the ones I've done recently havent been funny. I'll have some Jeff Smith inspired art coming soon as well.